We picked up a couple of pumpkins at the pumpkin patch last weekend and I was thinking about how I wanted to decorate them. The idea to decorate the pumpkins with nature, leaves and other natural elements struck me when Caden asked to go outside. So I quickly gathered up some craft glue and sponge brush and brought the pumpkins outside to decorate!
I placed the pumpkins on top of our sand table and we set about to collect some leaves and other elements of nature to glue to the pumpkins. Then I helped Caden squeeze out the glue and spread it using the sponge brush. Modge Podge would have worked better but I couldn’t find it so I used craft glue instead and applied a layer of modge podge afterwards.
Then we started to apply some leaves and maple seeds. Freshly fallen leaves work best as they are still bendable without being crushed into dust. Maple seeds work well too. But sticks and bark don’t really work. Caden was concerned about getting sticky glue on his hands so he didn’t really place any leaves on, but I did get him to try one. The rest I did while he played (stole my camera and took blurry pictures) in the yard.
I really enjoyed myself while decorating these pumpkins. And I am proud of myself for not getting upset that Caden didn’t want to decorate pumpkins with me. Here is a close up of the pretty pumpkins after the modge podge had dried.
Have you picked any pumpkins yet? How did you decorate them?
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Fun idea! I love the idea of using nature materials to decorate the pumpkin!
This is a great idea! I love how they turned out. 🙂
These would be great the entire fall season!