Okay, so these are not first day back to “school” photos because we haven’t started yet, but the other day I dressed Caden up real nice & took him to our scenic library and playground to snap a few photos to document this time of his life. I have only one set of professional photos taken of Caden from just before he turn one year old, but thousands of snap shots. Some of them are pretty good too! If I do say so myself! ๐
On this particular day Caden was more interested in playing than posing (can’t blame him there!) and he would NOT part with his hat! So many of my shots were blocked by his favorite red hat! But out of the 60 or so pictures I took, I managed to get 3 that cleaned up quite nicely. ๐
The gardens outside our library are kept up nicely. This photo was taken in a little seating area surrounding a memorial fountain. It is very inviting and Caden always wants to see the water, but wasn’t interested in sitting on the benches long enough for me to take a decent photo. But I did manage to get this one of him looking out at his favorite things- trucks!
Caden has recently gotten big enough (and I brave enough) to climb the ladder all by himself to the top of the tower on the big kid side of the playground and slide down the spiral tunnel slide! ::sniff, sniff:: He loves it, but I only let him go up if no one else is playing on it. baby steps, okay. baby steps.
This is my favorite photo and I actually took it in our backyard. I was chasing him and teasing him (okay, and maybe bribing him) trying to get him to smile and pose for my camera. I also had the most fun trying out different photo effects on this picture using PicMonkey.
Having fun is what tot school is all about and we had a good time during our little photo shoot. I hope that is a sign of a great year ahead of us!
For more ways to explore, play and wonder please follow Stir the Wonder on Facebook and Pinterest!
© 2013, Stir The Wonder. All rights reserved.
We haven’t started either. One more week and we’ll be at it again!!
So cute!!!
Thanks Sarah!
What a cutie! I like that you included a play milestone- climbing the ladder to the big slide by himself! Great smiles too!
Thanks Laura!
What a cutie! I love the last picture too.
Thank You!