Where Does It Stop? Science Experiment
The Where Does it Stop? experiment is the third activity from our littleBLAST science kit we were given to review. You can read all about the first activity and our review here, and the second activityhere. We had a lot of fun with this really neat activity! The object was to guess whether the objects would float or sink, or where they would stop sinking in the graduated cylinder. I had never done an experiment like this before either, so it was all new and interesting to me too!
The kit included everything we would need to conduct this experiment, even scissors! It was so easy to set up and that is probably my favorite part! As you can see even Caden has gotten used to posing for the “set up” photo!
The first step to doing this activity is to pour in one of the provided bottles of liquids. Caden chose to empty the bottle of oil first.
Next we emptied the bottle of blue dyed corn syrup. Before we started pouring I asked Caden whether he thought the corn syrup would float on top of the oil, sink below the oil or mix in with the oil? It was so neat to watch the blue corn syrup drizzle to the bottom of the cylinder. As you can see Caden was completely awestruck!
Next we filled one of the empty bottles with water and poured that into the cylinder. Before pouring in the water I asked Caden the same questions as before we pour in the blue corn syrup. After we poured in the water, we could see how the liquids were divided into three layers. We drew our observations on the handy worksheet provided in the kit. I say we, because Caden is only three and still doesn’t have a good writing grasp. I’m just impressed he didn’t try to scribble all over it!
Then before we dropped in each object, I asked Caden where he thought the object would stop falling, and had him place the picture of that object on the picture of the graduated cylinder. Caden did well cutting out the little pictures with some help and placing them.
First up, was the tiny yellow cube of foam. The pictures I got of Caden observing the objects falling in the cylinder are so cute! I’m just going to share some here! 🙂
Observing the small screw fall to the bottom.
Watching with excitement as the bead slowly sinks toward the bottom of the layer of water.
Watching with excitement as the bead slowly sinks towards the bottom of the layer of water.
Watching as the white bean falls through the layer of water to settle near the bead.
Checking out all the objects where they stopped in the graduated cylinder.
And now it’s time for the Saturday Science Blog Hop!
Celery Plant Experiment from P is for Preschooler
3 Activities for Exploring the Color Green from Little Bins for Little Hands
Checklist and Printables for Gardening with Kids from Lemon Lime Adventures
For more ways to explore, play and wonder please follow Stir the Wonder on
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Some of my favorite things to do with my daughter are things that I’ve never done before either – that way it’s exciting for both of us! I love the photos of Caden watching where the items would land; he looks so into this experiment!
Awesome. I simply love the faces he makes as he watches the bead dropping. I am loving this Series. It seems like such an awesome set for learning science.
Wow what a fun experiment. My girls will love this. We have been doing some different experiments recently I will try to post do we can participate. Love the idea of Science Saturdays!!!