~Caden is 22 months~
We had an interesting week, with preparing for Hurricane Sandy and all. We switched our week up a bit and hit the library on Sunday to pick up some new books and DVDs to keep us entertained in the event of a prolonged power outage. Fortunately the storm was uneventful for us, but we had a slow week nonetheless.
Monday before the storm, Caden and I spent the morning with Grandma and Gramps. Some wild turkeys came for a visit too! Caden was very interested in these turkeys and watched them strut around the neighborhood.
The rest of the week, was mainly free-play, as Caden wasn’t interested in any of the printables I had prepared.
On Tuesday, Caden played with the pets puzzle from Melissa & Doug and did some coloring. I was very impressed with the way Caden held his crayon in this picture. I often wonder how kids will pick up the correct way to hold a pencil if they only see their parents type and not write, but I guess I don’t need to worry so much.
Wednesday was Halloween and since Caden was going to dress up as a Fire Fighter we spent the day playing with his fire trucks. I even made him a Fire House to expand his imaginative play.
In the afternoon, Caden made a card for Grandma’s birthday using stickers. Caden’s fine motor skills are really improving and he has gotten the hang of using stickers.
I took Caden trick or treating for the first time in the evening. He had a lot of fun walking around the neighborhood with friends. In fact that is all he wanted to do and was not interested in knocking on strangers doors and getting candy. But by the end of the evening and after watching his friend, he got the idea and got some candy (for me!) if I carried him to the door.
Since Halloween was a late night, Thursday was an early, lazy day. We did a lot of playing. Caden really likes to play with his Mr. Potato Head. He played with the Zoo Animals puzzle by Melissa & Doug and “read” books.
At dinner Caden wanted milk instead of his usual water, so I put a little in an open cup. Caden did very well and was very careful not to spill.
On Friday, we did our learning before bed, when Daddy came home. They played with play dough, blocks and the shape sorter.
And I am including Saturday in this week’s post because we did some fun things! Saturday afternoon we went to a friends first birthday party and Caden had fun painting a little bird house and playing with the other kids there.
After the party, we went to my parents house for a family pot luck/birthday dinner. Caden had a great time chasing the little dog around the house. He found some binoculars and carried them around the house, checking things out. Then he went outside with Gramps to “help” start a campfire. They talked about how the fire is hot and that you don’t touch it or stand too close. Caden also checked out the flames with his binoculars.
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