The beginning of September means back-to-school and back-to-school gets us all thinking about apples which leads us to craving the homey goodness that is apple pie! To keep the cozy aroma around the house all month long, I created this Apple Pie Sensory Bin for Caden to enjoy!
So to make your own Apple Pie Sensory Bin you will need:
- A shallow container
- 2 lbs of quick oats
- cinnamon sticks
- a mini pie pan
- measuring cups and spoons
- play apples
Sensory bins are so easy to make, just add the contents into your shallow container and set it out to play! Done! I love that! And it is nearly guaranteed that your child will love playing with it!
This sensory bin was a hit with Caden, he has played with it almost everyday since he discovered it! He actually started to play with it before I was finished putting it together!
He enjoys dumping out the pie tin!
And filling it back up with the measuring spoon!
And smelling the cinnamon sticks!
He has even added the sensory play into his kitchen play, by cooking up some oatmeal! Yum!
Keep an eye out for another apple themed play idea to come out next week!
And for more ways to explore, play and wonder please follow Stir the Wonder on
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© 2013 – 2014, Stir The Wonder. All rights reserved.
We set up a similar bin recently, and the kids here especially loved the cinnamon sticks, too. I like that you included the pie tin to encourage pretend baking. Thanks for sharing this post at the Discover & Explore linky.
I did see your apple bin! Great minds think alike! hehe!
What a great idea! I’ll have a two year old in 2 days and this is something that is right up his alley 🙂
Great idea to add the cinnamon sticks–I’ve always done an oatmeal sensory table but LOVE the idea to make it apple pie! Thanks for a new twist–my classroom will smell sooooo good tomorrow!
This looks FUN!
Thanks for sharing at Apples, Apples, and more Apples!
I bet this sensory bin smells wonderful!
This is such a fun idea for Fall! I have shared it over at my blog today as a fun sensory fall bin to check out! 🙂
Thanks Victoria!
What a fun bin! I bet it smells delicious!